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The News Sign-up page lists subscribed news areas:- Slider allows you to sign-up for or turn off emailed news alerts
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To manage your news alerts via email, select News Sign-up from the blue menu bar.
You will then see the following dialog box:
- Email Subscribe: Select this box for any newsletters you want to receive via email.
- Customize: Click the pencil icon if you want to customize the kind of content you are sent.
Note: This link is only available if the Email Subscribe checkbox is selected. Also, the Customize option only applies to emails and not RSS. - Aggregated Email Digest: Select this box for any titles you want consolidated into a single email digest.
- Email Format: Select whether you want the email newsletter to contain the full text of each article or only the headlines with excerpts.
Note: Email digests will only contain headlines with excerpts. - Click the RSS icon to access the RSS Feed URL for an item.
Note: Any changes made to newsletter subscriptions (including customization) are not applied until you Save & Close the News window.
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